So, how does it work?

SafeSpace@elevate is an independent web-based reporting and support service that is person-centred, trauma-informed and guided by the core principle of psychological safety.

SafeSpace will enhance your organisation’s reporting system by empowering your people to call out harmful behaviour early. Lifting reporting rates allows your organisation to identify and address harmful behaviours before they escalate.

Organisations that have a range of reporting pathways and resolution options are better able to intervene early to minimise harm, prevent escalation, change behaviour, retain talent and increase productivity.

Key features of Safespace@elevate

  • Unbiased reporting option, separate from internal processes, providing choice and confidence to workers.

  • Employers are provided with up-to-date information and advice on best practices to support the organisation’s response.

  • Easy-to-use online platform available anytime, anywhere.

  • Elevate’s team can provide mediation, facilitated meetings, in‑person apologies, behaviour change programs, 1:1 coaching and restorative team sessions to address the harmful behaviours and rebuild impacted relationships.

  • Individuals have the option to make an anonymous report, which can lift rates of reporting and identify concerns early.

  • Wrap around support from frontline experts throughout the disclosure process, through employee’s preferred channel, with connections offered to specialised counselling as needed.

  • Elevate supports in identifying risk areas within the business and suggested actions to mitigate without compromising anonymity.

  • Safespace@elevate respects and supports individuals’ cultural identities so people can feel safe to report without fear of discrimination or judgment. Elevate can connect impacted employees to specialised support services that are culturally safe and meet their specific needs.

  • SafeSapce has a multi-layered approach to security.

    At the heart of the SafeSpace solution is ISO (27001,2022,9001), SOCs (SOC2) and CSTAR certified databases deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    The SafeSpace solution is end-to-end encrypted with encryption applied for all data in transit (TLS) and at rest (via encryption keys).

    Furthermore, access and security controls are built into our infrastructure layer through the use of infrastructure and web application firewalls and reinforced in the application layer via role based access control.

    Network security is maintained through controlled access to our virtual private clouds on AWS.

    Finally, data loss prevention is achieved through strict controls on bulk exports and data masking/anonymisation at the database level.

We’re here to help, try the platform today.